Purpose: Master of Divinity is designed to prepare students for both academic and ministry.
This program also enables students to obtain a comprehensive theological knowledge and develop an interest in a specific field, leading to pursue M.Th degree.
Qualification for Admission:
- Candidates must have successful completion of university degree, either Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Arts.
- Candidates must pass a qualifying entrance examination conducted by AAS in which they should obtain minimum 50%
- Candidates who passed B.Th. under Senate of Serampore/ATA above B+ with qualifying entrance exams minimum 60% will be admitted to M.Div. second year.
- Candidates who passed university degree must be admitted to three years.
Purpose: This program is designed to prepare both academic and leadership for the ministry.
Qualification for Admission:
Applicant must pass university degree or Bachelor of Theology.
This program is offered for 6-10 falling semesters (3-5 yrs.).
Entrance Exam
An entrance exam will be conducted in the following subjects: English, General Knowledge and Bible knowledge. This exam will be followed by personal interview. Student must pass in the entrance exam.
Academic Year
The seminary begins its academic session in mid-June every year and ends by second week of April. There are total 15 weeks per semester.
Withdrawal from Seminary
Any student desiring to withdraw from the seminary during the course of academic year must notify the Principal in writing of his/her intention. Student who has academic deficiency will be kept under academic probationary period for one academic year. If the student did not show any improvement, he/she will be asked to withdraw from the seminary.
Class Attendance
- Class attendance is an important part of the academic life. Leave should be taken only for important or emergency matter. Leave is granted only by the prior approval of the Academic Dean/Warden to whom the leave application is being submitted.
- The permissible absence in 3 credit hours course will be 6 class hours and 2 credit hours course will be 4 class hours.
- Absence caused by sickness must be reported at once to the Academic Dean/Warden with medical report/certificate.
- Each unexcused absence will receive a reduction of the semester grade at the discretion of the concerned teacher.
- Exceptional leave should be taken from the principal.
Examination & Completion of the Course
- All examinations must be taken as scheduled.
- Exceptions are made in case of sickness. However, arrangement must be made within 10 days for a make-up examination. In an event where examination is missed for emergency cases other than sickness, a makeup examination may be taken if the faculty concerned permits it.
- All courses must be completed within the semester in which they are taken or as the faculty decides knowing the condition of the student.