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Asia Antioch Seminary is an interdenominational Bible seminary which emphasizes Biblical teaching & practices, spiritual discipline, equipping & training, evangelism and outreach (soul winning), and practical ministries.

It has about 200 graduates; some are in Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan and mostly in India and in the North East particularly.  Most of them are serving in the churches and mission fields and some of them are in their pursuit of further studies.

AAS was founded by Rev. T. Kampu and his wife Mrs. Hawiphal in 2002 in Kharghuli, Guwahati, Assam. God called them out through Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 10:16.

AAS is an educational and charitable trust with the vision and called to reach unevangelized Asia with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It has a single focus on the mission to bring salvation to every tribe, people, tongue and nations of the earth. While having a sole focus on eternity concern, the physio-social need and concern is not left out. In fact, genuine social concerns are used as an effective tool along with the word to bring them to the love of God.

The seminary is making all attempts along with the teaching staff and students as a team to reach and preach the Gospel to all the villages, towns and cities of Assam, the North East and other parts wherever the Lord leads them.

It is located in a strategic centre in North East India and this enables them to reach many people for the Kingdom of God. Along with academic studies, the students are many times exposed to practical mission field experiences.


That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and there is none else.


To impart sound teaching of God’s Word. To motivate and equip men and women for evangelism, mission and help them to fulfill the Great Commission. To seek, save, disciple, train and send them out to preach the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ wherever the lost are.

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