MDiv Program

Retake Examination

If a student fails in any subject, he/she will be allowed to appear for the retake exam only twice. Rs. 100.00 must be paid per subject as retake examination fee. Two times failure in retake exam will call for repeating the failed subjects.

A student can be allowed to write the retake exam up to the maximum of 3 subjects per semester.

If a student fails more than 3 subjects per semester, he/she have to repeat the whole semester course again.

Transfer of Credits

Courses taken at another institution can be transferred to Asia Antioch Seminary.

Term Papers

Term papers are to be typed in the computer and must conform to the standards outlined in Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Thesis, and Dissertations, 6th edition by Kate L. Turabian.

Thesis Requirement

Master’s Thesis
M. Div. students are required to write a master’s thesis. The following are some of the rules and regulations in writing a master’s thesis.

  1. A thesis approval form must be completed and submitted to Academic Dean.
  2. When the thesis topic is approved by the Academic Committee and the department concerned, a synopsis of the thesis must be submitted along with selected bibliography (at least 25 books). The synopsis must include the statement of the problem, definition of terms, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, limitation of the study, data collection, and significance of the study.
  3. After the approval of the synopsis, outline and bibliography, a student can proceed with the first draft of the thesis under the supervision of the advisor.
  4. When the first draft is approved, a student can work on the final draft. The original copy of the final draft must be submitted to the Seminary.
  5. Thesis must conform strictly to the standards outlined in Manual for writers of Term Papers, Thesis, and Dissertations, 6th edition by Kate L. Turabian.
  6. Thesis should be between 50-75 pages.
  7. Thesis will be rejected as unsatisfactory, if it receives less than a “C” grade.

Academic Grade

First Class Second Class Third Class
A+ (80% and above) B+ (65-69% C+ (50-54%)
A (75-79%) B (60-64%) C (45-49%)
A-(70-74%) B- (55-59% C- (40-44%


Library is an important academic core of the seminary and it provides abundant resources.
AAS library is the most comfortable and cool place to stay and study. The Library uses Dewey Decimal classification system.

The library is open from 8 am to 9 pm on Monday to Thursday; Friday 8 am to 4:00 pm due to Community prayer program and from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday.

The library closes on Sunday and holidays.


Details of financial information are provided separately. Tuition fee policies: all 12 months fees should be paid.

Asia Antioch Seminary also offers special scholarship for those who are really in need and has no source at all.

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